
All posts tagged sociology

Is life just a game? Just a series of lessons? Or is there more to it? Do I need to dig deeper?

Published May 28, 2020 by Laura Crean Author

Is life just a game? Just a series of lessons? Or is there more to it?  Do I need to dig deeper?

If you are a Christian or a gamer or maybe a Christian gamer or just part of the game of life – read on… (also included if you follow the links Sonic the Hedgehog Trailer and other gaming and book links)

It’s OK to say I have experienced a lot of pain and trauma in my life and I need to learn from it and grow, but what does that look like?  If we have to learn something then that implies that the pain and trauma, the suffering and hardship is a teacher, right?  Well, the thing with having a teacher is, you are and I am the students.  And at some point the student has to learn, grow up and move on and become the teacher – so what does that look like?

Well, as I said, if the teacher is pain and suffering, well that’s what the teacher looks like!  That paints a picture in my mind of Jesus on the cross.  And if life is just like a game and a series of lessons to be learned, then life also is a teacher, right?  We are all in this together – the teachers teaching the students and the students becoming the teachers and so the cycle continues…and life may be a game but we are all characters in that game – without the characters, there is no game and the game would have no meaning.

This week I have been at home on annual leave, trying to take stock a little.  Trying to look inwards and see where I am going.  I started off the week worrying about all the things I thought I should be doing while I had the ‘time’ – gardening, house hold chores, writing my novel, catching up with art projects, paying bills…and the list went on!  Until I felt like it was more stressful to be not out working that actually out working.  So I stopped that and I can’t get that lost time worrying back but I can learn from it.

Now, it’s helpful to have metaphors to use to look at ourselves and our journeys, and I’ve used those metaphors in my art and writing as all artists do.  ‘The Realm of the Purple Dragon’ was a way for me to express myself in a time when I needed some healing.  “There is a time and a season to everything under heaven.” Ecclesiastes 3:1 – It’s just a children’s book.  A fun, I think clever, light-hearted story for children (for my inner child who needed it at the time).  And aren’t we all just children at heart?

Lately I have been thinking of just abandoning all the creative stuff that I try to ‘put out into the world’ and just focus writing my blogs as a way to talk to my children.  Sending them to them as personal emails, because I have come to the conclusion that this is all that matters at the end of the day after all – our connection to our children.  And in the same way, our connection to our Heavenly Father as his children!  Because as much as we want to think that we make a huge impact on the world and the global consciousness and effect change on a grand scale by our efforts – that’s just our egos talking.  Maybe a very few do have some impact, but in the most part we are all just tiny parts of a big machine.  We are all just players, programmed and running around the program doing what we have been programmed to do.  And unfortunately the world we are living in is computer gaming on steroids!

If you know me you know I like to learn from my dreams.  The symbolism I see in dreams and the world are a language that seems to communicate to me.  I like to think it is a conversation I have with my creator, and prayer I have found, for me anyway, certainly does get responses or answers, some answers are more profound than others, and sometimes it is loud and clear but more often than not it is harder to hear.  But I continue listening all the same.  Well last night I dreamed I had these huge embarrassing hairs on my chin – which does happen by the way, but these whiskers or hairs in the dream were huge, like hedgehog spines!  Bear with me, this is all related to the game metaphor, I swear…

Recently, last week actually, I watched the new Sonic the Hedgehog movie because when I was in my twenties and a young mother, that was the game we played with our children; apart from Spyro, which is what inspired ‘The Realm of the Purple Dragon’.  But sonic was harder to play in a way, even though it was a simple concept, because it is a fast game.  You have to think on your feet as it were and make quick decisions with obstacles.  It is essentially a race.  You run around like a loony collecting gold rings and trying to get to the end as quickly as possible.  But with that fast pace game (another metaphor for our fast paced living perhaps) you can’t slow down to look at the scenery – to observe the beauty of the artistry of the game’s background design.  And sometimes you also miss the hidden places where treasure is to be found!  Maybe that’s part of what the dream was trying to tell me; to slow down and smell the flowers so to speak.  To sit quietly and look for the treasure in this game of life; to talk to the kids, to read my bible and seek wisdom (God’s hidden treasure in his word) to re-charge my batteries and to have some fun; some joy and peace in the moments.

And what of the spines?  Those hard thorn like follicles of hair on my dream self’s chin?  What message is trying to be conveyed here?  Well, these spines represent a beard firstly.  So a beard, what does that conjure up in my mind?  Well, perhaps as we think of men as wearing beards, it must represent masculinity, strength, power and perhaps wisdom – as the longer you grow a beard, the older and wiser you should technically be!  The image of the statue “The Thinker” also springs to mind.  Stroking your chin or beard or leaning on your chin may be an indication of deep thinking; perhaps wisdom again?  Also hair represents a covering, a protection of vulnerability, more power!  –   To be honest I’m not entirely sure what this imagery is trying to tell me!  Maybe I am spending too much time running around like Sonic the Hedgehog trying to keep myself safe, looking too deeply at things?  Trying to do it all myself under my own strength –  maybe I need to look deeper?  After all those hard spines could be used as a weapon – so maybe that is my strength – my wisdom and power!  Well what do I consider to be wise?  Knowledge worth having?  The only knowledge and wisdom I consider of any worth is that found in the word of God. 

And so this week I am listening inwardly at that quiet conversation between my God and myself and paying attention to the signs.  He says, “stop trying to run around like a loony doing things under your own steam, you’ll only burn yourself out!  Remember that I am in control and have the controller in my expert hands.  After all I designed this game and I know where you are going, even if you don’t” and “I am for you not against you”.  “I want you to win!  And you will win.  It’s just a matter of letting me play out the game.”

So as God takes the controller and I run on under his steam not my own; I can sit back and look at the scenery, the awesome design that I am a part of and keep my eyes open for the hidden treasures as I go.  And as I learn the secrets of the game – become the teacher and pass on those little cheats, those little nuggets of wisdom to my children, perhaps I can pass them on to you too through my writing and my art.  That’s my power, the gifts that God has given me after all, so I shall power up and get on with it.  But not this week.  This week I’m on holiday in my garden – well that’s how you have to roll in this lock down world we are living in.  And yes, I will stop to smell the roses!

Captain Ozone – A real live Time-Travelling Super Hero – Ecology Champion for Today

Published October 23, 2013 by Laura Crean Author

Captain Ozone – A real live Time-Travelling Super Hero – Ecology Champion for Today.

I thought this deserved a re-blog.  I stumbled across this interview with Captain Ozone and thought I should give you guys a second chance to find out all about this time travelling Super hero with a super green ego – he certainly is an ecology champion for the 21st Century and beyond…


…so check him out!

<3 Sharing my winning poems <3

Published August 31, 2013 by Laura Crean Author

I won this week’s competition! YAY!!!!

This was my poem:-

He sits on the shelf
and there he stays
that cursed elf
that haunts my days
nobody sees his evil smile
but I and I alone.
His wicked grimace wide and vile
like a trickster gargoile made of stone
he taunts me, tempts me
lures me close
and whispers cleverly
and I just listen as he boasts
of how he always wins the game.
And every day he tries so hard
to win and wear me down
and he says he’ll share his power too
if I’ll just give up my crown.
But he will never break my shield
that keeps me safe from harm
I do not bow to fear or yield
to Lucifer’s broken charm.

© 2013 Laura Crean

Not only that but I featured in the top ten list of  New Poets on MARSocial – how awesome is that?  And such a flattering review by Kelly Knox  who says:

“Laura Crean’s impossible to pronounce title “Corporatocracy” does little to explain the sing-song rhymes of the frist few lines. The great poet Archibald MacLeish said, “a poem should never mean, but be.” And he was probably right. Still there are some ideas, some extant, gestural ephemera that can only be expressed in poetry. These ideas are usually the ineffable, or what cannot otherwise be said. So when we look at poetry we try to see it as a living thing–no longer words on paper but something sitting next to us or in front of us–that somehow gets our attention. Crean’s poem does that: in the title, in the sing-song rhymes; and then throughout the meditation that follows. Protest songs are most potent when they are not too prescriptive; protest poems ring truest when they fail to adequately describe the problem. This may sound horrible and aphoristic; but it’s true, how many poems have ever solved a problem in the real world?”

This is the poem he is referring to :-


Energy, energy everywhere,

free for all to tap,

but most of the Earth is unaware

that few control the cap.

The Earth is just a “system”

that exists in an infinite loop,

nature has this shape as its totem

the micro and the macro too.

And yet my energy bills

continue to expand,

money into someone else’s tills

and constantly out of my hands…

What is the nature of the human experience?

What is life supposed to be?

Is it to strive for personal freedoms

such as the right to be creative, reach our full potential and live in dignity?

How can we preserve such a way of life

and still be free and sane

when corporations rule “the system”?

They seem to have everything to gain,

while reducing the human experience to commerce –

which can only lead to pain!

It seems that corporates run the world economy

through corruption and control,

they bribe our politicians –

but this is legal “lobbying” and “political gifts”

we all are told.

And the laws enforce this system

through misguided commercial red tape,

how can we change this polluted perception?

Humanity needs to re-evaluate!

Revolution can only come through evolution

in the consciousness of every heart,

we need transparent political systems

free from “division” and “corruption” for a  start.

The world needs to run in “truth” and “unity”

not “the system” versus life itself!

There are so many crimes against humanity

affecting our global health.

From food toxins and pollution

and wars and terrorists now running rife,

to genetically modified mutant crops – nice!

–       nobody knows what is safe to “consume”.

Then there are the crises with fuel and our water

and the ozone will be gone all too soon!

But the people are afraid to question authority

because their freedoms are already worn down,

“freedom of speech” is no longer policy

and will lead to the speaker becoming criminalized

by their government, state or crown.

The trouble is we can’t fix the problem

until we really know what the problem is

and so the world needs a brand new awareness

of the “programming” that gives power to this social disease.

But the truth is that this reality is but a reflection

of ourselves – each of us in turn

and the barriers are our own constructions

that we must remove if we are to learn

that freedom for the human experience

is through integrity and in respect,

integrity in each of our actions

and respect for ourselves – and not to neglect

to speak up and be a part of our community

because it’s not “the system” we all have to fight.

The doorway to human transformation

Is through forgiveness, compassion and Light!

© 2013 Laura Crean

If you would like to join in this revolution of poetic voices and perhaps join in some discussions, competitions and mix with an awesome group of writers then click the link and join in 🙂