
All posts tagged educational

Walkin the Walk

Published March 27, 2015 by Laura Crean Author


This poem is for my 3 gorgeous daughters.  This is their year of changes.  All of them are stepping up to the next level of their journey.  My youngest daughter Alice is moving up from junior school (year 6) to high school (year 7).  This is a big year for her, she’s in that pre-teen period where she is no longer a baby but will always be my baby girl.  Soon the hard work starts as she embraces that journey towards GCSEs and puberty.  She is steppin onto a path both her sisters have walked, in a good school that I know will nurture her, push her forward to work hard and find her path, so many paths she could take in her young life.  My middle daughter Shannon is coming out of that period and moving on up to College, leaving year 11 and onto training in her chosen career – the Performing Arts.  She is such a bright and driven young lady and her shoes are steppin out onto the stage of her young adult life.  My eldest daughter Ellenor is steppin out on the next big challenge.  She’s leaving college and entering University.  She is full of ideas and ready to push forward and really run for that degree in her chosen subject in 3D art, her journey is exciting and the hard work is just beginning.  And as for me – I’m still on that journey and everyone’s path is different, everyone’s shoes are different.  I was sitting on the bus yesterday and I just noticed out of the window, people’s shoes.  All different, distinct and right for each individual, carefully chosen or subconsciously chosen to match their personalities.  And as I watched those shoes walking around town I wondered about each of their attitudes to their chosen paths through life.  That’s when the poem began to live inside me.  I looked at my comfortable, sensible shoes and I wondered what they said about me and my journey.  I need comfortable shoes because I still have a long walk ahead of me, but I’m ready for it and I’m now going to embrace it and I want my children to step out on their journeys and be ready too – with shoes that fit, have style and say – let’s do it – let’s walk this walk.  I couldn’t be prouder of all of them.  And in my mind’s eye I can see one more pair of shoes walking alongside my family, a pair of well-worn sandals.  And I know that he is smiling and keeping pace with every step we take, ready to lift us up on his shoulders every time the walk gets too hard.  He will make sure we don’t get left behind as long as we need him to but then he will put us back down and give us the strength to run as fast as we can to the finish line.

What shoes are you putting on in the morning?

Captain Ozone – A real live Time-Travelling Super Hero – Ecology Champion for Today

Published October 23, 2013 by Laura Crean Author

Captain Ozone – A real live Time-Travelling Super Hero – Ecology Champion for Today.

I thought this deserved a re-blog.  I stumbled across this interview with Captain Ozone and thought I should give you guys a second chance to find out all about this time travelling Super hero with a super green ego – he certainly is an ecology champion for the 21st Century and beyond…


…so check him out!

Coming soon – Blogging for the kids

Published August 17, 2013 by Laura Crean Author


Hi everyone.

I have really been enjoying blogging this last few months (on WordPress) but I have started to realise that all of my blogging on here is for the adults – even when I am posting about the children’s books.

I have a book club on Facebook – but of course it is basically the parents that go on there too –

So I am currently thinking how I can sort this out and have another WordPress blog – JUST FOR THE KIDS – LOL – so keep watching and hopefully before too long there will also be a blog that will be appropriate for the children to look at on their own if they want to.

Xx Laura xX

Real-Life Superhero

Published August 15, 2013 by Laura Crean Author

See my interview with Captain Ozone here –

Captain Ozone – A real live Time-Travelling Super Hero – Ecology Champion for Today

Published August 15, 2013 by Laura Crean Author

How can we save the planet?

Let’s ask a Time Traveller from the future – from the year 2039 to be exact!

I am very proud to be Introducing to you all – a Super Hero with a Super ‘Green’ ego…

Captain Ozone

Captain Ozone


When I first came across Captain Ozone, on my Facebook page ‘Time Traveller’s United’, I had been waiting for a real live Time Traveller to stumble across my page and give us the gossip from the future and to hopefully give us some really useful information that would help us to clean up the planet here in the present.  When Captain Ozone flew by ‘Time Traveller’s United’ and left us a video showing how he materialised into our present time on his amazing Time Travelling Toilet, little was I to know just how useful and important his message to us could be. Ozone's time toilet2_hy5L0


















You see Captain Ozone is not only a Super Hero Time Traveller from the future, he is also a champion for green causes.

environmental Captain Ozone stickers


He has seen the future (he’s been there) and he wants us to put ‘renewable energy’ at the top of our list for saving the planet.  And Captain Ozone knows that our children are the future – so what better way to get his message across than through the children of today – our Heroes for tomorrow.  So Captain Ozone and the Youth Ecology Program are here to tell us how we can start saving the planet today so that our future will be brighter, cleaner, and a whole lot greener.

Captain Ozone in the French Media

I decided straight away that I couldn’t have a Time Traveller in my midst without interviewing him about the future.  So without further ado here is my interview with Captain Ozone…


(Laura) –  (This one’s from my 9 year old) – How old were you when you became a time traveller?

(Captain Ozone) – I was 27 going on 28 years old when I traveled a half-century backwards through time. I was born on April 7, 2011 and left my timeline on March 13, 2039 and arrived in your timeline on March 13, 1989. Ask your 9-year-old to do the math to figure out how old I am today.

(Laura) –  Are you a human or an alien time traveller?

(Captain Ozone) – I’m all too human. All time travelers are human.

Earth has never been visited by extraterrestrials. They live too many light years away from Earth to travel here. Most sighted, photographed or filmed UFO’s are merely weather balloons, covert military aircrafts, or simply prank photos of someone tossing a hubcap or a hat in the air. However, a small percentage of UFO’s are actually human time travelers from the future. Some of them are from thousands of years into the dim future and they have evolved physically beyond human recognition. That is why some of them look like extraterrestrials to us. They have evolved larger temporal lobes and cerebral cortexes, giving them more intelligence and creativity, plus they are far more peaceful and civilized than we are.

(Laura) –  What powers/scientific genius do you use to make your travels in Time?

(Captain Ozone) – I traveled only once through time. When I arrived at the Bellis Fair Mall in Bellingham, Washington in 1989, several hours later the local police confiscated my time machine. They thought that me, seated on my time machine in colorful costume, was a potential diversion for a robbery at the mall. I think it’s quite possible that my time machine is being stored somewhere at Area 51 today.

I’m no genius. General Landrew Carter assigned me this mission because he thought I was fool enough to do it. I realized that the day the cops confiscated my time machine and I had no way of getting back home. I’m not a physicist nor have I studied theories in time travel. I attended a briefing at the Hexagon (use to be the Pentagon building before it was remodeled) the day I left on March 13, 2039 and we spent about an hour discussing things like space-time continuum conundrums and whatnot. But I was just a country boy who grew up in a rural area. My friends use to call me “Willy the Space Cowboy”.

(Laura) –  What year to you hail from?

(Captain Ozone) – I left on my time machine on March 13, 2039 at 2:40am and arrived in this timeline on March 13, 1989. When I materialized in 1989, my entry point created some sort of ”cosmic shock wave” which caused hundreds of power grid problems to erupt throughout the world, including a 12-hour blackout in Quebec, Canada. My entry also caused some satellites in space to go out of control for several hours and even the Discovery space shuttle was having problems. The media, not knowing about my “arrival”, attributed all these global electrical problems to a solar flare. Below is the original VHS videotape documentation of my “arrival”.

(Laura) –  What country are you from? (If countries still exist)

(Captain Ozone) – The good ‘ol U.S. of A.

(Laura) –  Who is the ruler/dictator of your country/state/world order?

(Captain Ozone) – When petroleum began to dwindle in supply by the late 2030’s, it shot sky high in price, triggering a world war over control of several oil fields situated in two countries. This war began in the fall of 2038 and wiped out almost a billion people – 8% of the world population. I will not identify the nations that were involved in this war for the reason that it will only incite suspicion, fear and hatred between these nations at present. For the same reason, I will not identify the two countries the oil fields were situated in that these nations warred over. Furthermore, a space-time continuum sticky situation would most likely occur if I were to identify these nations or even make known who was ruler/dictator of our country during the war. This is the principal reason why I refuse to share too much information about events in my future timeline.

(Laura) –  Have you got a blog for your Time Travelling antics?

(Captain Ozone) – Antics?? You make my mission sound like horseplay or hanky-panky.

I have a New MySpace page at and also a Facebook page at

(Laura) –  Do you write about your adventures? If so in what form and can we have a link please?

(Captain Ozone) – My writing really sucks so, no, I don’t write about my adventures. Some of my adventures are on YouTube. There’s a book you can order through called “I, Superhero!!” that has several pages about me. Some magazines and newspapers all around the world have done interviews with me or have written about me. There is also a movie called “Superhero Me” that you can stream on that features me.

A woman did an interview with me via shortwave radio several years ago and you can read it here at

(Laura) –  Do you have a nemesis?

(Captain Ozone) – Yes, I do have nemesis’s. They are Osun Thyruss (Dirty Brown Clown), Circus Jaxs and Agent Beryllium.

(Laura) –  What are the most important lessons you have learnt from the future that you can pass on?

(Captain Ozone) – Into the late 2030s, very little had been accomplished to establish a worldwide, renewable energy infrastructure. Since fossil fuels were still the cheapest and therefore the most profitable energy sources, almost every nation had no incentive to create a zero-emissions economy.

The leading greenhouse gas from fossil fuels that’s held to cause global warming was reduced in the atmosphere through a carbon capture and storage technique known as Carbon Sequestration. This involves capturing carbon dioxide gas from factories and power plants and injecting it into underground reservoirs or on the ocean floor where it’s presumed to be stored permanently.

Global warming never occurred in the 2030s despite today’s prevailing belief that it will, but many scientists and ecologists were worried that major earthquakes would cause megatons of captured carbon dioxide to escape from where it was stored, causing rapid climate change.

My mission was to put a halt to wars over oil in the future and to reduce manmade greenhouse gas emissions through safer methods than carbon sequestration. I would accomplish this by traveling a half-century backwards through time to the year 1989 to establish a global renewable energy infrastructure.

My primary mission was to deliver vital data in my holopedia to scientists in 1989 who were involved in the research and development of zero-emissions, renewable energy systems. The data was of schematic diagrams of highly efficient solar, wind, hydro, geothermal and hydrogen power systems that were fifty years ahead of 1989’s renewable energy technologies. These futuristic renewable energy systems would enable every nation to be energy self-sufficient, eliminating wars over oil in the future, plus they would significantly reduce manmade greenhouse gas emissions held to cause rapid climate change.

To answer your question, we need to build a worldwide renewable energy infrastructure ASAP with the contemporary technologies we have today. Businesses and home owners need to get off the power grid by investing in rooftop solar panels, mini wind turbines and geothermal systems. Power companies, factories and automobile corporations need to convert to zero-emissions energy sources.

(Laura) –  Is there still a need for TV in the future or is it now all via digital implants? If so can I have one? LOL

(Captain Ozone) – No digital implants in the 2030’s. The human brain is far too complex to tap into like that. Maybe by the year 2113 we’ll have digital implants sending electrical impulses to our neurons in our visual cortex to see movies in our minds.

Television merged with the Internet in the 2020’s. By the 2030’s, the Internet (or the “binary heavens”) was in 3D IMAX resolution (4000p) at 600 frames per second (600Hz) with Surround Sound. Looking at your computer monitor was like looking through a window at the world. Even handheld holopedias had 3D IMAX screens! Nanotechnology was soaring in the 2030’s.

Captain Ozone documentary:

This is Captain Ozone signing off – but remember…

Captain Ozone's green message







Well – I would just like to thank Captain Ozone for taking ‘time’ out of his busy schedule to come and answer some, what I am sure you will all agree, were some very important and probing questions about ‘Time Travel’ and I am sure that we have all learnt a great deal about how we can also become Champions for Ecology – Thank you once again to 


I know I for one will be looking for greener alternatives – I hope you will be to…

The Flush with Captain Ozone

Published August 14, 2013 by Laura Crean Author

Captain Ozone on the time toilet

I am so pleased to announce that tomorrow I will be interviewing the legendary Time Travelling Super Hero – Captain Ozone – he is not a fan of doing interviews, so this is a rare opportunity that you do not want to miss.

See you tomorrow my Time Travelling followers…