Bright Skies and Happy Mondays

Published March 4, 2013 by Laura Crean Author

‘View from Beachy Head with boat in the distance’ by Laura Crean.

The perfect beginning always comes after a particularly bad ending, because that is when things appear that much cleaner, that much brighter, when anything is possible and nothing can be as dark as before.  That is why I love beginnings and hate endings and everything in-between is just consequences.

Mondays are always happy for me because it is a new week, when anything is possible and the week is a blank canvas waiting to become a masterpiece.  Fridays on the other hand end up being reflective.  I will always look back at the week and imagine time as an image in  a mirror, gazing blankly back at me, daring me to say it has been a waste of its linear purpose – nothing worse than wasted time!

However, time on reflection can be very instructive and lessons in life should always be like a reflection in a mirror, in my opinion – it may stare you in the face and scare you half to death but it can’t touch you – it can only be something to look upon from a safe distance, a hint, a shadow, a mere copy of reality.  And copies are just fakes aren’t they?  So what can I learn from such a reflective past?  Perhaps it is that yesterdays, like shadows, can never be as purposeful and solid as bright and shiny tomorrows – full of substance and possibilities.

My Monday canvas starts with bright skies and the foreground just builds on that.  Everything of interest in a painting happens in the foreground, doesn’t it?  The sky just lends itself to perspective.  It is a reference point to draw the eye to the mood and setting of the story being told.  So here’s to beginnings and may they never become endings, just journeys onto newer better beginnings…

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