
All posts tagged motivation

Human – Christina Perri

Published April 17, 2014 by Laura Crean Author

❤ When you are having a bad day and doubting yourself, just remember – you're only human! ❤

Jill-in-the-box – negative thoughts

Published January 5, 2014 by Laura Crean Author

Jill in the box pic


feeling inadequate today but I am remembering to shake my head at those negative thoughts as they surface – my therapist will be proud! 😉

my depression tells me to just give up and go back to bed – the angel on my shoulder says go and make a cup of tea, there’s always tomorrow!



Jill-in-the-box – The Angel on my Shoulder

❤ each step takes a huge amount of effort but every step is forward… ❤

Walk with depression

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So today I don’t have any great words of wisdom to offer in the Jill-in-the box – no long-winded essay on depression or how to get out of it – just – me – taking another step forward to tomorrow – which always looks brighter when viewed through positive eyes with hope!

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